Ministry of Fear

  • Ministry of Fear

4/30/24 (Tues)

Adaptations of Graham Greene’s typically convoluted plots range from the supreme (The Third Man) to the ridiculous (This Gun for Hire), so I didn’t know what to expect here. Moreover, I had read that the script of Fritz Lang’s 1944 flick, based on Greene’s book of the previous year, was considerably rewritten to the director’s intense displeasure after he signed a bad contract. Greene himself reportedly disapproved of the completed film due to some significant deviations in theme. I was ready for anything.

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Scarlet Street

  • Scarlet Street

6/23/23 (Fri)

Fritz Lang’s 1945 film is usually categorized as noir, but that description doesn’t feel quite right. At the opening, the cutely named Chris Cross (Edward G. Robinson), a timid bank cashier and amateur painter, is receiving a celebration for 25 years of faithful service at the bank, which in movie-land means he’s boring. He is envious of his boss, who leaves early to tend to his beautiful mistress, and appears a lonely soul. Upon walking home, he comes across a woman, Kitty Marsh (Joan Bennett), being accosted by a large man (Dan Duryea). He almost accidentally strikes the man down from behind with his umbrella (and immediately cowers in fear of a reprisal). But when he goes for a policeman, the woman is strangely uncooperative – it turns out that the attack was simply a spat with her lover Johnny, who has quickly escaped.


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